It is possible for you to face adult charges if you are under the age of 18. The situation is highly dependent on the charges you face and the circumstances of your case. In most cases in the state, though, if you are 17 years old, you will go to adult court and not...
juvenile crimes
Identifying risk factors that impact juvenile delinquency
Juvenile crime in Georgia has long-term effects on families and communities as a whole. While many parents and educators go to great lengths to raise responsible, law-abiding children, exposure to certain factors can increase the risks of juvenile delinquency. When...
Rules for detaining juveniles
The juvenile criminal justice system is different in many ways from the adult system. The rules for detaining juveniles are one example of how things differ as they are stricter for young offenders. According to the National Juvenile Defender Center, the court must...
How can underage drinking and driving impact your future?
Georgia hosts harsh laws for people who drink and drive under the influence. If your child drinks and drives, they will still face hefty penalties if convicted. It is important to understand how underage drinking and driving can alter the course of the future. After...
Why do teens drink?
If you have a teenage son or daughter, it is natural for you to worry about alcohol use. Many teens do experiment with alcohol, despite the warnings. As a parent, you may ask yourself why one teenager refuses to drink while underage and another develops an unhealthy...
Is burglary a felony?
Georgia law treats property crimes differently depending on the crime in question. Theft, robbery and burglary are all considered different crimes under state law and each has its own penalties. Burglary requires you to unlawfully enter a structure with the intent to...
Strategies for reforming the juvenile justice system
Georgia residents with a family member in the juvenile justice system may worry about the long-term outlook for that young person. The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform and Council of State Governments Justice Center propose strategies to reform the juvenile justice...
Juvenile being tried as an adult
There are many cases when a minor commits a crime and instead of having his or her case tried in juvenile court, the minor is tried as an adult. For many, this can be a hard-hitting reality, but it is important to know what measures can be taken to further understand...
Juvenile charging and the criminal process: Yes, it is different
Many people believe that the criminal justice system is one overarching process that treats all alleged wrongdoers the same. Put another way: It is a common assumption that any two defendants charged with similar actions will be treated the same in a Georgia...
How can underage drinking affect your teen?
Teens face daily struggles and stress. Social media pressures kids to look their best, participate in risky behavior and outperform their peers, which makes rejecting behaviors that may get them in trouble tougher. Even with Georgia laws that criminalize underage...