How technology can help prevent DUI crash deaths

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2020 | dui defense |

An arrest for driving under the influence brings different forms of consequences in Georgia, including fines, a criminal record and potential jail time. While the best course of action for the future is for drivers to abstain from all alcohol before getting behind the wheel, there are tools that can stop them from drinking and driving.

According to Forbes, here is how technology can help prevent DUI crash deaths considerably.

Why is technology necessary?

Unfortunately, very little progress has been made in the past quarter-century when it comes to battling drunk driving. In fact, each year in the United States law enforcement personnel arrest approximately one million people for DUI. Over the past decade, alcohol has been involved in approximately 30% of all traffic fatalities.

However, the use of modern technology could reduce these alarming statistics. Preventing impaired drivers from operating their vehicle could save thousands of lives and avert many crashes. According to researchers, simply reducing the blood alcohol content of the most impaired drivers to below 0.08% could have slashed the number of all accident fatalities from 2015-18 by one-fourth.

What technology succeeds?

Most people are familiar with ignition interlock devices, which can be court-mandated when someone receives a DUI conviction. With this tool, upon entering their vehicle the driver must blow into a breath testing unit that measures BAC to demonstrate that he or she is in a condition to operate the car. Making this and other types of technology federally mandated could save approximately 9,000 lives each year lost to DUI-related crashes. Just like with ABS brakes and side air bags, if automobile manufacturers implemented the technology into standard car features prior to legislators enacting it into law it would be significantly more effective.

Currently being road-tested is an ambient-air system that would measure the BAC of the air inside the vehicle. While this technology could appear in automobiles by 2025, making it mandatory via legislation rather than as an add-on option is a faster way to reduce DUI-related traffic fatalities.